About Us
Ferndale Elementary School
Ferndale Elementary School is the home of our 4th and 5th grade students and has educated generations of families. It was built in 1906 on land that was deeded by James Boyes. According to local historians, once the building was constructed a feud broke out amongst the locals, should the name be Ferndale School or Boyes School in honor of the generosity from Mr. Boyes? The story is told that a sign bearing the name "Boyes School" was placed out front and in the dark of the night, the sign went missing. A reward was posted but no arrests were made. In the end, the name "Ferndale School" prevailed.
There are currently about 250 students that attend Ferndale Elementary School with six 4th grade homeroom teachers and five 5th grade homeroom teachers. Ferndale has a dual language program, music, PE, English as a Second Language, a community garden, and many other academic enrichment opportunities. Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBiS) is the framework to support the positive schoolwide culture and discipline philosophy. In addition, the building has a full-time school counselor and part-time mental health counselor. The social emotional learning curriculum used throughout the building is Second Steps which also supports anti-bullying, digital citizenship and student safety lessons.
School Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:15 am - 3:15 pm
Friday 8:15 am - 1:15 pm
School Doors open at 7:45am
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Contact Information
Office: (541)-938-5412
Fax: (541)-938-0503